How better marketing and education can get more people involved

Does anyone feel like they need a translator for the Town Warrant? (By anyone, I mean me.) It can be confusing and a lot to digest.

I occasionally work as a freelance writer. Recently, I was asked to take some very technically medical information and data and make it digestible so that parents can understand the benefits.

Why can't we do the same for the Town Warrant?

Let's hold an educational session or provide a "cheat sheet" to help citizens understand what a quorum means or what an enterprise fund is? Is there procedural info that can be explained clearly beforehand so it's less intimidating and more people are likely to participate?

Maybe we can provide a simple summary of all articles minus the legalese.


Article 27: Appropriate funds for the purchase of a vehicle for the Fire Chief's use.

Yes, vote- I approve these funds.

No vote- I do not approve these funds.

How can we promote the Annual Town Meeting better? (This was also a question from candidates night.)

  • Promote it on the town website. I noticed that the deadline to register to vote, the town meeting and the election were not on the town website's calendar. (When I mentioned this, it was added quickly.)

  • Create a Facebook event so people can get a reminder via the town's Facebook page

  • Leverage Nextdoor's event option. Nextdoor a social networking site for local neighborhoods that many people in Clinton use.

  • Encourage more voters to sign up for "Notify Me," the phone and email notification program.

  • Provide more signage in high traffic areas of town.

  • When we received our Water/Sewer/Recycling bill, there was some educational info about the use of fertilizer runoff and how it impacts our water supply. We should add important upcoming town events with tax correspondences as well.

  • Cross-promote the town meeting and elections with other town services e.g, School, Senior Center, Police, Fire, etc.

  • Offer babysitting services for parents who want to attend. (I've seen a few groups do this locally as fundraisers.)

  • Lancaster is holding theirs outside, but they do offer drinks and snacks. (These meetings do run long.)

These are just a few ideas but Town Meeting is where many decisions about the town are made. So let's help people understand its importance and the process, and hopefully, more people will want to attend and get involved.

See you tonight, Clinton!

Warrant of articles to be voted on:

Finance Committee recommended budget (to be approved by you, the voters):

Town of Clinton Seal.jpeg

Do you know these dogs?


My official candidate’s announcement.